Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Cigarettes are addictive but shisha is an addictive cultural experience

Since smoking was banned in enclosed public places in the UK, life for shisha smokers and owners of shisha cafes became much more difficult. Many shisha cafes across England have been - or expect to be - adversely affected by the ban, with a number closing down in the capital and other cities. A campaign called Save the Shisha was launched in order to exempt shisha from being banned because:
a. it is not scientifically proven that it is as dangerous for health as cigarettes
b. as an attempt to "
rescue a part of Middle Eastern culture from dying out in a multicultural UK".

Yalla, let's Save the Shisha!!


Anonymous said...

I agree ... can i sign-up too!!!!

Anonymous said...

da fumatore concordo anch'io, ma dire che quel fumo non fa male, è tirare la corda un po' troppo... piuttosto direi che uno sia lasciato libero di farsi male, se lo vuole.

Anonymous said...

rivogliamo dei post su Paris!